pp108 : Row Object Property

Row Object Property

Row object is an object that has the combined main properties of a row. It combines the properties of the data, the HTML, and the status of the row.

Properties of the Row Object

Property Description
businessObject Refers to XML node of the businessObject associated with the row.
rowData Refers to the XML node that forms the basis for data in the row.

Methods of the Row Object

Method Description
freeze() Freezes the specified row.
check() Selects the specified row and displays a checkmark for it.
getCells() Returns an array of cell objects for the cells in the row. Also see Cell Objects.
getIndex() Returns the row index, where index=1 is the first row.
isChecked() Denotes if the row is checked.
isFrozen() Denotes if the row is frozen.
isSelected() Denotes if the row is selected.
remove() Removes the specified row.
select() Selects the specified row.
uncheck() Clears the selection for the row and removes the checkmark for it.
unfreeze() Unfreezes the specified row.

See Also

xgrid, cell object, column object, getRow(), getFirstRow(), getPreviousRow(), getNextRow(), getLastRow(), getCheckedRows(), xpathRowData, xpathBusinessObject